Small Group DNA

A Small Group meets together weekly to pursue growth in Christ through prayer, studying scripture, service, and fellowship. In the book of Acts believers met together both in the temple and in homes. They were actively involved in not only fellowship and mutual care but service and outreach. People were coming to Christ and growing in him daily (Acts 2:42-47). We want to replicate that example.


Jesus’ last words on earth were to “Go and make disciples.” A disciple is someone who pursuing Christ, growing in spiritual values (obedience to God, devotion to His church, and engagement in His mission), and producing spiritual fruit (love, joy, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control). Most simply put, disciples are people who obey Jesus’ command to “follow me.” Discipleship is also reproducible. The purpose of Small Groups is for disciples to make disciples in biblical community. Small Groups are intentionally designed to facilitate discipleship relationships.


A Small Group may engage in a community service project each session in order to build relationships within the community and create opportunities to share the Gospel.

Mutual Care

It can be challenging to care for one another well during our Sunday morning gatherings. Small groups enable us to better know one another, care for one another through prayer and accountability, and encourage one another in our individual walks with Christ. Small Groups provide meals for members with illnesses and recoveries, celebrate pregnancies and marriages with showers, and better enable us to be there for each other during trials.

Meeting Times

Small Groups meet on various nights of the week in homes throughout Tioga County. Most evening groups start between 6-7 and all are finished by 8-9. A typical group will meet for two hours including refreshment and fellowship time.

Session Length

Each Small Group session lasts nine weeks. There are three sessions throughout the year and all take a break during the summer.

Commitment Level

To prioritize pursuit of God it’s critical to prioritize togetherness in biblical community. During the first night you will be asked to sign a Small Group covenant to set a high standard. It’s ok to miss an occasional evening but if you wish to maximize the benefits of connect groups, it’s important to prioritize being there.


Small Groups study discussion questions based on the previous Sunday’s message.


We encourage each group to provide an environment that allows for intimate discussion. Each group may handle child care differently. Some groups hire a babysitter to watch the children in another room. Other parents choose to join a Wednesday evening Small group while their children attend Awana. Parents of high schoolers may also choose to attend a Sunday evening Small group during WBC Youth.

Additional questions?

Call the church at (570) 724-3741 or send an email: